Retrospective data evaluating Boston Scientific Corporation’s Precision Spectra Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) System reportedly indicates that the device provides sustained, significant relief of low back pain 12 months after implantation. The results yield from the PRO Study presented at the 18th North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) meeting in Las Vegas, according to a Boston Scientific Corporation news release.
The release notes that the outcomes review encompassed a total of 213 patients at 13 centers, focusing on patients with chronic pain and chronic low back pain receiving treatment with the Precision Spectra SCS System. The system features Illumina 3D Software, designed for point-and-click pain targeting and engineered to stimulate the neural target without stimulating undesired areas.
According to the study results, 12 months post-implantation, there was a sustained and significant reduction in overall pain measured on the 0-10 numeric rating scale (NRS), from an average baseline score of 7.17, to an average score of 2.96 at 12 months post-implantation (N=178).
The results also indicate that in patients with only low back pain (N=73), a sustained and significant reduction of low back pain (measured on the 0-10 NRS scale) was reported, from an average baseline score of 7.21 to an average of 3.17 at 12 months post-implantation.
Among patients with severe low back pain, the release says, (N=41, baseline score of 8 or greater measured on the 0-10 NRS scale) sustained and significant reduction in pain was reported, from an average score of 8.60 at baseline to 2.87. The cohort will be followed through the 24-month interval, the release adds.
Maulik Nanvaty, president, Neuromodulation, Boston Scientific, explains that when designing the Precision Spectra SCS System, the company included new, advanced technologies with the goal of treating low back pain more effectively.
“This long-term, ‘real-world’ study reflects our continuing commitment to advancing the science of pain relief to help achieve better outcomes for patients with chronic pain,” Nanvaty says.
[Source(s): Medical News Today, Boston Scientific]