Neuro Rehab VR announced the launch of the XR Therapy Certification course. The certification program includes hardware and software training and qualifies for up to two continuing education credits. This certification is reportedly the first of its kind in the United States and the only VR system to carry State Board approved certification.
The course certifies physical therapists to use the XR Therapy System to treat patients recovering from strokes, spinal cord injuries, battling Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or healing from sports injuries or falls.
Certified therapists use the XR Therapy System to keep patients engaged and increase treatment plan compliance rates. In a VR environment, patients engage with real-life, or game-like scenarios that challenge mobility, range of motion, reach, balance, and coordination without feeling like they are in a clinic. The system also provides real-time feedback so therapists and patients can see progress and make adjustments in a single session. As the XR Therapy System is FDA Registered medical device, the treatment is covered by most insurance plans and accessible to patients.
“As a PTA, I’ve seen the difference VR can make in a patient’s treatment, outcomes, and mindset. Patients that never thought they would walk independently again, are now doing it. VR was able to break them away from those self-limiting beliefs and improve their life. As a PTA, I want to empower other clinicians to use VR during their patient care to see just how transformative it can be,” Christopher Vasquez, PTA, says.
Veena Somareddy, Co-Founder and CEO, says, “We believe in providing our therapists with all the tools and education required to make them successful in using virtual reality as a game-changing therapy modality for their patients. We are proud to be the first to release the virtual reality therapy certification program to help physical therapists re-define the way they do rehabilitation.”
[Source(s): Neuro Rehab VR, PR Newswire]