Biodex Medical Systems Inc has named Lila J. Corwin its new Head of Global Physical Medicine Sales, the company announces.
Prior to this appointment, Corwin led the medical equipment manufacturing company’s Marketing Communications department for 16 years. She was promoted to Senior Vice President of Marketing Communications in 2018.
During her time at Biodex, she helped strengthen the marketing and sales alignment across both domestic and international distribution territories. This has given her a full-view perspective of the needs of physical medicine sales and how to drive further success in the category, she notes in a media release from the Shirley, NY-based company.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to realize the marketing-sales alignment,” Corwin says.
“We are fortunate to have such talented people and united, forgive the cliché, they become greater than the sum of their parts. I’m excited to strengthen the two departments working as one. Ultimately and always, the mission is to improve the customer experience.”
[Source: Biodex Medical Systems Inc]