Raiding the underwear drawer for personal protective equipment solutions? Jockstraps and thongs may offer a solution when you’re in a pinch and need something to support conscientious social distancing measures.
Watch this video from VICE News to find out the pros and cons of wearing:
- Scuba gear
- Dinosaur mask
- Plastic bottle mask
- Maxi pad mask
- Nacho Libre mask
In this 5-minute video Geoffrey Sklar, MD, delivers the pros and cons behind several do-it-yourself (DIY) personal protective equipment solutions you may have lying around the house.
As therapy offices and rehab clinics begin to reopen their doors, therapists will need to be prepared to return to a workplace that has new infection control protocols. The options this video highlights may not be a clinician’s first choice, but considering how spotty the availability of personal protective equipment has been since the outbreak of COVID-19 they’re worth bookmarking for a rainy day.
See the complete YouTube video “A Doctor Reviews DIY Coronavirus Face Masks” from VICE News.