Employers have a vested interest in maintaining a healthy workforce to maximize productivity and manage costs. This is why many companies hire physical therapists to develop programs and documentation they can implement to not only get injured employees back to work in a timely and effective manner, but also to prevent injuries to workers in the first place. Consulting therapists can also assess an employer’s work environment and how tasks are completed to recommend any changes to ergonomics that may reduce risk of injury, especially during repetitive movements. The companies that appear in this section can help physical therapists and physical therapy clinics offer these types of services to expand their clientele and revenue potential.
Functional Capacity Assessments
KEY Functional Assessments Network, Carlsbad, Calif, offers functional capacity assessment and prior-to-hire, return from medical leave (think post-Covid) and healthy worker testing. Instant, easy-to-read reports. User-friendly software. Mobile equipment. New virtual training. Proprietary KEY Method formulas provide the standardization and objectivity required for solid legal defensibility. KEY DataBack DataBank compares each assessment with more than 200,000 assessments of both healthy and injured workers. Provider support and marketing assistance. With KEY, create business opportunities and revenue streams with employers as new customers and their employees as new patients.
For more information, contact KEY Functional Assessments Network, (800) 333-3KEY (3539); www.keymethod.com
Workwell Prevention & Care
WorkWell, based in Duluth, Minn, can help prepare organizations to offer on-site employer services, fit for duty and post-offer employment testing, functional job analysis, ergonomics, FCEs, work rehab, and more. The company’s Easy Train program removes high upfront fees, offering an affordable monthly subscription. Certification, in-person training, free on-demand courses, and software are included. Training is built upon WorkWell’s proprietary tools, research-based practices, and excellent support. As it has for more than 25 years, WorkWell helps organizations attract more clients with new services. Join the more than 10,000 therapists that WorkWell has trained to provide musculoskeletal injury prevention and treatment for organizations.
For more information, contact WorkWell, (763) 315-4806; www.workwell.com
Job Function Matching
Headquartered in Bowling Green, Ky, DSI Work Solutions offers licensing and training in Job Function Matching for rehab providers to use when assisting employers with injury prevention and injury management. Increase referrals to the practice and develop a cash-based revenue stream. Make a difference in the employer community. DSI strives to be known for superior provider support, and the company invites therapists to join its high-quality network of providers.
For more information, contact DSI Work Solutions, (270) 245-1000; [email protected]
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