The Hip Hook is designed to replicate the iliacus muscle release that a skilled physical therapist is trained to provide. The tension in the muscle could be resolved by lying upon the Hip Hook for 2 minutes per day, it is suggested in a media release.
“A tight iliacus is a missing link in recovery from back, tailbone, hip, and knee pain since it affects the alignment of the entire body,” says Christine Koth, MPT, a physical therapist who invented the Hip Hook.
Koth, who specializes in the hip area, wrote about the iliacus muscle in her book, Tight Hip, Twisted Core – The Key to Unresolved Pain. In the book, she notes the three major causes of a tight iliacus:
- Too much sitting or driving
- Overuse with activities like running, cycling, and kicking
- Hyperflexibility, yoga, and dance
When tension in the iliacus remains unchecked, it compresses the hip and twists the core, changing the mechanics of the pelvis, spine, and hip in a way that can contribute to pain all over the body, the release explains.
To view a video on how to use the Hip Hook, visit YouTube.
[Source(s): Hip Hook, PR Newswire]