Cionic announced data showcasing the impact of the FDA-cleared Cionic Neural Sleeve as assistive technology for individuals experiencing difficulty walking, including foot drop, due to multiple sclerosis (MS). The data from a pilot study was published in the International Journal of MS Care and was presented by Douglas Wajda, PhD, Health Sciences and Human Performance, Cleveland State University, at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) in Nashville, Tenn., in May.

The real-world study, “Impact of the Cionic Neural Sleeve on Ankle Kinematics during Gait in Multiple Sclerosis,” evaluated the impact of Cionic’s proprietary array-based stimulation approach to address neuromuscular walking challenges associated with foot drop, one of the most common gait impairments for individuals with neurologic conditions. The study evaluated two key measures related to difficulties with walking: decreased dorsiflexion, or difficulty lifting the foot, and increased inversion, or the tendency for the ankle and foot to roll inward. 

Results of the study demonstrated significant improvements for both measures, and all participants experienced improvements to dorsiflexion at heel strike and reductions in inversion during swing when functional electrical stimulation from the Cionic Neural Sleeve activated the affected muscles.

“Our findings highlight the efficacy of a comprehensive technology that can address a wider variety of gait impairments at once,” says Wadja, the presenter and lead author of the study. “It’s encouraging that all participants experienced improvements to two of the key measures that impact safe walking.”

“In order to address the highly individualized and complex mobility challenges of individuals with neurologic conditions, a flexible technology system that continuously interprets their movement and muscular activity and adapts to their needs is paramount,” says Jeremiah Robison, Cionic founder and CEO. “These results show the tremendous power of our software-steered neuromodulation array and real-time adaptive algorithms to improve walking for individuals with MS.”

Featured image: Cionic Neural Sleeve. Photo: Cionic