By Melanie Hamilton-Basich
I don’t think anyone could ever characterize physical therapy as a boring profession. You work with different clients every day who have various conditions and injuries as well as unique challenges that require specific approaches. And then there is the need to keep current on new research, products, technology, and techniques. You most likely have a lot on your plate. Physical Therapy Products and the Physical Therapy Products Annual Buyer’s Guide are here to help.
In Physical Therapy Products’ Annual Buyer’s Guide you’ll find an extensive list of companies and their website URLs and contact information so you can research and inquire about purchases for use in your practice. You can also peruse the Product Index section of this issue, which provides a breakdown of products by category and lists the companies that make them to further inform your purchasing decisions.
In this issue’s feature “2023 Trending Topics,” you’ll also find a discussion of current trends affecting the physical therapy industry. These include not just new technologies, but also issues such as staffing concerns and increasing PT clinic acquisitions.
While these issues do pose challenges, the physical therapists interviewed for the article have a positive outlook. This is because they know two important constants: members of this profession will keep innovating and adapting with the times, and there will always be a need for physical therapists. What will change are which products and techniques PTs will be using and perhaps the roles they take on to help their patients in different capacities.
This is why Physical Therapy Products regularly provides information about technologies, products, and services PTs can use every day. Not just in our Buyer’s Guide. Our daily posts on and our enewsletters keep you informed. Our feature articles detail the many different ways to use products and techniques in your practice.
The more tools you have, the better your ability to pivot as needed. So keep reading Physical Therapy Products articles and visiting our website for updates, and don’t forget to follow us on social media if you don’t already to stay in the know.
—Melanie Hamilton-Basich
Chief Editor, Physical Therapy Products