Those able to walk and chew gum at the same time saw increased heart rates while working out, according to a study published in The Journal of Physical Therapy Science.
The study, performed at Tokyo’s Waseda University, included male and female participants ages 21 to 69, according to a news story from WFMY News 2.
One group of participants was given chewing gum and walked on a treadmill for 15 minutes. The other group was given the same substance contained in the chewing gum but in a swallow-able form, and also walked on a treadmill for 15 minutes.
After reviewing the data, the researchers discovered that the average heart rate for both genders significantly increased while walking and chewing gum.
However, men over 40 also saw a significant calorie burn in addition to the heart rate change. This calorie change was not seen among the women participants, according to the study.
Though the exact reason for the chewing gum phenomena could not be explained, researchers speculate that the heart rate increase was linked to cardiac-locomotor synchronization, a mechanism which synchronizes the cardiac rhythm and an individual’s locomotor rhythm, the news story explains.
[Source: WFMY News 2]